• Association diplomatique des jeunes Nations-Unis
  • info@adjnu.org


The Education, Science and Culture Council of the Youth diplomatic association of the United Nations, aims to contribute to the maintenance of peace and security by promoting collaboration through education, science and culture, collaboration among nations to ensure universal respect for justice, the law of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion that the Charter of the Association recognizes that all peoples.

This council coordinates activities related to education, science, culture, urban and architectural protection, environment and climate change. It serves as the central forum for discussing these international issues and formulating policy recommendations addressed to UN member states and the UN system.

For the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural and create conditions of stability and well-being necessary to ensure among nations for peaceful and friendly relations based on respect for the principle of equal rights of peoples and their right to self-determination, diplomacy United Nations Association promotes youth:

a) The raising of living standards through education and science.

b) The solution of international problems in the areas related to education, science, culture, urban and architectural protection, environment and climate change.

c) universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion.

d) The notice, in accordance with the rules of the association, international conferences on matters within its competence.

e) conduct tests and provide advice to the United Nations:

• Provide expert analysis on various issues

• Serve as an early warning agent

• Monitor international aid and implementing agreements

• Help to raise awareness of the relevant issues

• Play a key role in promoting UN goals.



The Board of Education, Science and Culture of the association is composed of members who want to join.



1. The Economic and Social Council of the diplomatic association of United Nations youth can make or initiate studies and reports on international issues in the areas related to education, science (the exact sciences, natural, social and human), culture, urban and architectural protection, environment and climate change, communication and information and may make recommendations on these issues to the general meeting, the members and specialized agencies to advance knowledge, standards and intellectual cooperation to facilitate social transformations conducive to the universal values ​​of justice, freedom and human dignity.

2. It may call, in accordance with the rules of the association, international conferences on matters within its competence.

The tasks for the education of the association are:

• Conduct international building structures enabling all people access to education;

• Provide expertise and foster partnerships to strengthen leadership in education at the national level as well as the capacity of countries to offer quality education to all;

• The organization facilitates the establishment of partnerships and measuring progress.

Education for sustainable development allows everyone to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values ​​needed to build a sustainable future. Education for sustainable development is to integrate into the teaching and learning of the key themes of sustainable development, such as climate change, disaster reduction, biodiversity, poverty reduction and sustainable consumption. It involves the adoption of participatory teaching methods to motivate and empower learners to change their behavior and become actors of sustainable development. This is why the Education for Sustainable Development promotes the acquisition of skills for learners to develop critical thinking to imagine future scenarios and make joint decisions.